Lama's Blackpearlsims Downloads

As you might recall, I once was part of the Blackpearlsims designers team, who shared their creations in the Downloads section. Now that the wonderful forum has closed its doors for good, I decided to move my BPS stuff over here. It's old, but maybe you still find a use for it.
(Note: None of my walls are MAC compatible. However, you can use SimPE to open the packages and resize the texture from 256 x 768 down to 256 x 512.)

1. Requests

Download Kativip Walls for MAC

2. My Walls & Floors
Download Barleboog
Download Berry Harvest
Download Books for all
Download Carved Panels
Download Christmas 2010
Download Coastal Pleasure
Download Cottage Walls

3. My Recolours

Download Recolour Buggybooz Shakerlicious Kitchen
Download Recolour Toska Dining
Download Recolours Framed Art (mesh included)
Download Recolours Numenor's 2-tiled (mesh included)
Download Recolours Wallsticker Sims2Cri (mesh included)


riekus13 said...

Thank you!

Amy said...

Lovely, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Awesome works!
Thank you for sharing.
Fata Morgana from Cradle of Darkness.

Betsy4Arts said...

Thank you so very much for your awe inspiring creations.

Fata Morgana said...

I have always admired your work. You are magnificent.
And I want to thank you again for transferring all your creations from Blackpearlsims here.
Please continue to create.
Fata Morgana from CoD aka Feofano from Plumb Bob Keep

Lama said...

Thank you, Feofano!